Shiloh Ministries
Shiloh is driven to be of service to God's people. Our ministry leaders use their God-given gifts to serve others in accordance with God's Word, Spirit, and Truth. Shiloh leaders make every effort to build productive relationships and provide teaching activities that will have a positive impact in the lives of others.
If you are a Shiloh member and are ready to partner with us
in a Shiloh ministry, please contact us.
We're waiting for you.
At Shiloh we believe children are the very essence of God's gift of love. Who they are tomorrow is the outcome of how they are raised and nurtured in knowing and following God today. Shiloh provides our children with a Godly and Spiritual environment where they can fully embrace their identity as a child of God.
Shiloh teachers make every effort to teach the word of God to every child. They also pray that God's word will be written upon the tablet of every child's heart so it will never depart from them.
Women sharing their walk with God, that's what Sarah's Tent is all about. The women of Sarah's Tent gather together once a month for a time of praying, caring, teaching, learning, laughing, loving God, and more. Sarah's Tent brings a unique group of speakers, and a schedule full of engaging activities, events, and happy meet-ups. Sarah's Tent is always excited to bless all women at every meeting. Don't miss out. Join us and be blessed!
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The Shiloh Dance Team consists of a group of passionate individuals who are dedicated to dancing before God. If you want to learn Davidic Dance, and you want to dance before the Lord to give Him glory, praise and honor, then you might want to consider joining the Shiloh dance team.
The dance team is enthusiastic about dancing before the Lord. They meet weekly for practice, and will also put together a special dance for yearly events.
The Shiloh dance team is always welcoming new members, and it is open to both men and women. Come join the team, and dance your heart away in giving praise and honor before God.
He deserves the glory!
Calling all men for a time of sharing the Word, sharing life, sharing God, and some good ol' fashion fellowship.
Meetings are held twice a month. Every 1st Monday of the month at 6:30 p.m. at the home of Eric Ctibor in Crestline, and every 4th Saturday of the month at 1:00 p.m. at the Redlands campus.
Part of our strength lies in the people who serve at Shiloh. Our servants are a vital function of hospitality. It is our Shamashim that will give you everything you need to make you feel comfortable and welcomed at our services. It may be a simple smile or handshake, or an expression that shows they care, but all-in-all they have been gifted with a servant's heart.
The desire for Shiloh's worship team is to glorify God.
The team comes together to create a set of worship music that will inspire the believer's heart to worship the Lord, and give all glory and honor to God. Each member shares their musical gift to share a distinct message for all fellow believer's: Worship the Lord with all of your heart, all of your soul, and all of your might.